August 2015


Meat Dates

14th/15th August – Fresh Pork and Lamb

21st/22nd August – Fresh Pork

28th/29th August – NO fresh meat but open selling frozen meat

4th/5th Sep – Fresh Beef

The Strawberries and Raspberries are finished for this season but it shouldn’t be long until we have Victoria plums available.  Keep an eye in the shop.

The Next Mini Food Fayre – 5th Sep 

The eagerly awaited date has been set!  ORB Bakery and Fen End Country Kitchen are returning to Rosegate Farm on 5th September in the morning with more of their delicious breads, cakes, chutneys and jam.



Over Village Market

Rosegate Farm is hoping to have a stall at the first Over Village Market set to take place on 3rd October 2015 on the green in Over.  We are working alongside ORB and Fen End Country Kitchen to organise this event so make a note of the date and spread the word! The market will be hosting several very local food producers and also a few local crafters so please come along and support your local businesses.  Lets make this event a success so we can make it regular rather than one off.