June 2015

Meat Dates

5th/6th June – Fresh Pork

12th/13th June – Fresh Beef

19th/20th June- Fresh Pork

26th/27th June- Fresh Lamb

Farm Update

EXCITING NEWS! – Save the date – Sat 13th June
ORB Bakery (based in Over) will be coming to Rosegate Farm on Saturday 13th June to sell their delicious breads which compliment our sausages, bacon and burgers so well.  Take a peek at their webpage to get a sneak preview of some of the breads that they bake www.orbbakery.weebly.com, facebook page www.facebook.com/OrbBakeryOrb BaconOrb Sausage and Bread or follow them on twitter @OrbBakery








There will be plenty of fresh strawberries available over the next few weeks