- Pregnant Sow heads out for a walk round the yard
- Sausage Rolls
- …and becomes a mum the next day!
- Easter butchery display
- Easter 2016 butchery display counter
- Butchery Easter Display!
- First silo being erected!
- Close up of calf April 2016
- Family portrait! April 2016
- Pigs in the orchard
- Pigs in the orchard
- Breakfast with mum
- A sow feeding her litter
- One of the sows
- piglets playing in the doorway of their sty
- Ginger-
- Feeding time
- Ginger feeding her litter
- piglets cuddled up under a heat lamp
- Hereford cattle in the field
- cows in the evening sun
- dinner time!
- portrait of a cow!
- Sunset from the cow shed
- Humphrey the bull
- lambs in the orchard
- the ram!
- Lambs in the orchard
- lambing time
- ewe with her newborn lamb
- the nursery!
- twins!
- twins relaxing in the field
- traffic jam on Rose & Crown Road!
- An orphan lamb wanted a fuss!
- Our strawberries
- Close up of strawberries
- In the strawberry tunnel
- the strawberries plants
- Our plums
- cows & children enjoy the silage making
- the butcher at work
- Over Village Market stand Oct 2015