June 2014

We hope to have fresh meat available as below.  We would remind you that we usually have a stock of frozen meat available for sale as well – Plenty of sausages, beef burgers, lamb burgers and pork and lamb joints.  If you have any specific requests do email us to see what we have. 

May 30th/31stFresh Beef

June 6th/7thFresh Lamb, Pork, sausages, ham, and bacon

June 13th/14thSelection of frozen meat

June 20th/21st Fresh pork, sausages, ham and bacon on Friday and till ten o’clock Saturday.

June 27th/28thFresh Beef

Also on June 21st Rosegate Farm will be barbequing for the festival on the village green. Come along with your friends to taste our sausages and enjoy an afternoon with your local community. 









Rosegate Farm has now gone live on twitter (@Rosegate_Farm) and facebook (facebook.com/RosegateFarmButchery).  Please visit our pages and we hope to use these as alternative methods of keeping you all updated.

April/May 2014


May Update

First of the season… SPRING LAMB will now be available on Fri 16th and Sat 17th May.

The strawberry season has started!!  Come and pick up a punnet or two from this weekend.


Meat will be available over the next few weeks as follows:

April 25th/26thFresh pork, bacon, gammon and sausages

May 2nd/3rdFresh beef

May 9th/10thFresh pork, bacon, gammon and sausages

May 23rd/24thFresh pork, bacon, gammon and sausages

May 30th/31stFresh beef

The last month has been very busy with lambs, calves and piglets being born on the farm.  The cows have also relished being returned to the fields after the winter.

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For the strawberry lovers among you we are hopefully within a month of the early fruits. We’ll keep you posted.

Please do get in touch if you wish to order any meat or be added to our mailing list.  We look forward to hearing from you.

March/April 2014

           — April update —

Friday 11th and Sat 12th April – Fresh pork, sausages, bacon and gammon


We will be open selling fresh meat as follows through March and April:

Friday 13th and Sat 14th March – Fresh pork, sausages, bacon and gammon

Friday 4th and Sat 5th April – Fresh beef

As usual when we are not open for fresh meat we have got a limited supply of frozen meat available, please call in to see what we’ve got in the freezers.

March and April are always exciting times on the farm with lambing, calving and pigs farrowing too!

If you’d like to bring children round to see the lambs, calves and piglets  please do just send us an email or call and we’re very happy to arrange a time to show you round.DSC04644.




February 2014

 We will be selling fresh meat from the butchery as follows in February:

– Friday 7th & Sat 8th Feb – Fresh pork, sausages, bacon and gammon

– Friday 14th & Sat 15th Feb – Fresh venison and frozen pork, lamb and beef

– Friday 21st & Sat 22nd Feb – Fresh pork, sausages, bacon and gammon

And into March…..

Friday 8th and Sat 9th March – Fresh beef



January 2014

Breakfast time

Happy New Year to all of our customers, we’d like to thank you for your support, enthusiasm and custom last year and look forward to opening more often and more regularly this year! 

Starting in January…..

Friday 10th & Sat 11th Jan – Fresh pork & sausages

Friday 17th & Sat 18th Jan – Fresh lamb (we’ve got very few lambs left now before a 2-3 month break until it’s time for Spring lamb – so if you’d like to stock up the freezer please let us know in good time if you’d like to order a discounted 1/4 or 1/2 lamb to get you through until May/June)

Friday 24th & Sat 25th Jan – Fresh pork, sausages and bacon

Friday 30th & Sat 31st – Fresh beef

As usual we’ve got a small stock of beef, pork, sausages and lamb in the freezer so please email or call in at the farm in-between our opening times if you’d like to know what we’ve got available.

Also just a reminder to our newer customers, we start butchering with complete carcases and so can supply pretty much any cut that you’d like, we get lots of orders for some of the more traditional cuts that are hard to get in supermarkets or other butchers shops, feel free to email us any requests and we’ll see what we can do!

November/December 2013

We’ve got a very busy November & December lined up as follows!

Friday 22nd & Saturday 23rd November – Fresh pork, sausages and bacon

Friday 29th & Saturday 30th November – Fresh beef and lamb and frozen pork and sausages

Friday 6th & Saturday 7th December – Fresh pork

As usual we do have limited stocks of beef, lamb, pork and sausages in the freezer which you’re welcome to call into the farm for (Monday-Friday 9-5 or Saturday mornings) in between our opening times for fresh meat.


One of our large white x Hampshires enjoying itself in the mud!


***Christmas opening times***

Friday 20th, Saturday 21st, Monday 23rd & Tuesday 24th (until 2 pm) December

We will have fresh beef, lamb, pork, sausages and chipolatas on all of these dates ready for Christmas along with our dry-cured gammon and bacon to round off your Christmas dinners!

Please do order any specific requests through especially for the Christmas period so we can try to ensure you get exactly what you’d like, we’ve started taking orders and the popular cuts are selling quickly already.


October/November 2013

Our butchery will be open for fresh meat as follows through October and November:

Friday 11th & Saturday 12th October – Pork and lamb

Friday 25th & Saturday 26th – Pork and lamb

Friday 8th & Saturday 9th November – Beef and pork

We’ve got a selection of frozen joints, chops and sausages in the freezer in-between our opening times for fresh meat, please feel free to call in or contact us to find our what frozen meat’s available.

We’re starting to take orders for Christmas gammons, bacon, sausages, joints etc, please do let us know as soon as possible what you’d like for Christmas so we can ensure you get what you want!

Contented little pigs

Contented little pigs

One of our ‘senior’ sows waiting for her breakfast


September/October 2013

We will be selling fresh pork and beef during September and October. The pork as usual is from our orchard reared Hampshire x Large white herd (enjoying lots of falling fruit at this time of year) and the beef from our Hereford herd. Our butchery opening dates for fresh meat during September and October are as follows:

Pork – Friday 6th and Saturday 7th September

Pork – Friday 20th and Saturday 21st September

Beef – Friday 4th and Saturday 5th October

As usual orders via email, phone or just calling into the farm are welcome. The beef especially sells out very quickly still as the number of customers is growing much faster than we can breed the animals at the moment!

Two of our young young herefords


August 2013

Our butchery will be open selling fresh meat as follows during August:

– Friday 16th and Saturday 17th August – Pork, sausages and bacon

– Friday 30 and Saturday 31st August – Beef

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Another successful litter born Monday 29th July to ‘Ginger’, one of our original sows and still going strong! Ginger is a traditional breed Oxford Sandy and Black sow. The piglets are all pink as their Dad is a Large White boar.



July/August 2013

Fresh meat coming up in July and August:

Beef  – Friday 19th July and Saturday 20th July – please do continue to order by email/phone/calling in at the farm as we still sell out very quickly

Pork and lamb – Friday 26th and Saturday 27th of July 


A quick reminder that we are open Monday – Saturday 9-6 pm selling freshly picked strawberries and raspberries (and a limited quantity of frozen meat) and also we are open for pick your own strawberries every Saturday 9-5 pm throughout July, possibly into August, please check with us if you’d like to pick your own in August as it will depend on the availability.


From mid-late August we will hopefully also be selling our own fresh picked Victoria plums as well as the strawberries and raspberries.